Saturday 27 August 2016

Geis: A Matter of Life and Death (Nobrow) by Alexis Deacon

A ruler of a city dies and her last will and testament states that the next ruler should be chosen by a contest consisting of three tasks, between fifty different people.  However is soon emerges that this is no voluntary contest, and there are dire consequences for not completing the tasks.

This is very much an all ages book, and a fine start to a fantasy trilogy. Alexis Deacon was new to me and introduced by the comic shop Page 45 as their Comic Book of The Month  for July. The story is intriguing as the personalities of the protagonists are demonstrated through their reactions to what they learn about the contest, and the Geis of the title, and the art is both beautiful and appropriately strange, drawing you into the story and making you feel part of the world.
At times the art reminded me of the children's book Struwwelpeter, which I had as a child and which seemed a little strange and disturbing, a bit like the effect of Windsor McCay's work can have. 

A comic that can be read and enjoyed on different level by all the family is something to be treasured. I would urge everybody who loves fantasy to read this, especially those with children as it is a book to be shared.